A passion for exploration ignited in Kate from childhood. At thirteen, she embarked on her first solo adventure to Australia, volunteering with an organisation that ignited her lifelong passion for exploration. Four years later, she immersed herself in Central American culture, volunteering for four months in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. University brought new horizons, as she joined the University Royal Navy Unit, discovering the Baltic and Eastern European regions through deployments.

After completing her Master’s degree, Kate spent the following three years exploring the diverse countries of Kenya, Nepal, as well as parts the Caribbean. Returning to the UK, the globetrotting pursuits have continued since. Kate loves to travel the world's off-the-beaten-path and historic destinations. Her career in travel has enriched her experiences, allowing her to visit an additional twenty-seven countries, including the United States, Thailand, Cambodia, Jordan, and Oman. To date, she's had the privilege of exploring forty-eight countries in total.

Favourite country


Top recommendation

Always stay in the heart of the city, it's the best way to get the 'authentic' experience

Unforgettable moment

Spotting a polar bear in Svalbard

Ask me about

  • Driving in the USA
  • Seeing a polar bear in Svalbard
  • What to do on safari
  • The best Caribbean beaches

My travels
